We've added new features to the campaign dashboard to enhance the comparison between InMail Acquisition (Acq) and Regular Acquisition (Acq) campaigns. These updates provide more detailed insights and allow you to track and compare responses more effectively.
New Column: Responded to Outreached
Column Name: "Responded to Outreached"
Functionality: This column calculates your campaigns' response count and Outreach percentage.
How to Use the New Feature
Create Your First InMail Campaign
Add the "Responded to Outreached" column to your LinkedIn outreach campaign dashboard
Column Display:
This column will show the response rate and, on hover, the count of responses for both InMails, Regular Acquisition and Nurturing campaigns.
Comparing InMail and Regular Acquisitions
InMail Campaigns:
Rate Calculation: The rate between InMails sent and responses received will be displayed, allowing you to compare the effectiveness of your InMail campaigns.
Regular Acquisition Campaigns:
Rate Calculation: Similarly, for regular acquisition campaigns, the "Responded to Outreached" column will show the response rate and the count of responses on hover.
Adding the "Responded to Outreached" column and the default display of "InMail Accepted" for InMail campaigns significantly improves your ability to track and compare the performance of different campaign types. This ensures you have the data needed to refine your outreach efforts and maximize your ROI.
If you need further assistance, please feel free to message us using the app or email us at help@growth-x.com.
Happy Growing!