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Using Growth-X with Facebook
Using Growth-X with Facebook

Using Growth-X with Facebook

Lusine Khachatryan avatar
Written by Lusine Khachatryan
Updated over a week ago

Growth-X data can now be imported to Facebook ad campaigns as a custom list or look-a-like audience. These type of Facebook ads will appear in the news feed of people that accepted your invite on LinkedIn through Growth-X.

How to create a Facebook formatted CSV file from Growth-X Connections:

  1. Go to 'Connections' tab in the Growth-X app, select "Export All"

2. Open the CSV file and edit the column names.

The column name format should be according to the identifier type that Facebook accepts. For example, a column header named 'first name', would be renamed to 'fn' so it can be mapped properly. The more identifiers, the better results.

Main Identifiers:

Email > email

First Name > fn

Last name> ln

Phone > phone (Phone numbers must include a country code)

City > ct

State > st

Zip/Postal Code > zip

Country > country (Country must be provided as an ISO two-letter country code)

The full list of abbreviations can be found here.

An example CSV file from Facebook:

3. Once you renamed the main columns you can delete the rest.

4. Go to your Ads Manager page, go to business tools menu and select "Audiences" section.

5. Select Create a Custom Audience or Create a lookalike audience. Select the CSV file and upload the list.

Note: You can combine multiple Custom Audiences and/or Lookalike Audiences to refine your targeting.

6. Finish setting up your ad set and place the order.

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